In an effort to bring more meaning to our day, nothing beats an At Home Spa session to get centered and feel energized. I’ve written about this before, having rituals, taking small steps and adding value to each gesture we take change lives. Meditation teacher Jason McGrice says it so well in his Insight Timer Create a Conscious Morning 10-day class, the physical elements that we bring into our sacred space such as crystals or candles are there to remind us of our intention and are beacons of sacredness that fill our space, both in the room and in our mind.

Daily rituals such as tongue scraping, drinking first thing in the morning from a Copper Jug, meditation with energy cleansing smells or nourishing your body with healing foods (or non-inflammatory foods) are simple to implement. But it takes readjusting, unlearning of all the things we’ve been taught. So it does take time to add those meaningful steps. I’ve just recently understood why and how to Sage Smudge:-) I love the idea of creating a protective shield of energy around my body and my home. And taking this small extra step before a Spa session at home really brings it to the next level.

Inspired by my dear friend and artist Dee, I’ve compiled a great selection for you to create a sacred sanctuary in your home (well actually in your bathroom). I’ve added Epsom Salts to the selection as those dissolve in the water, reminding you to try to avoid exfoliants or products that don’t dissolve and to be mindful of the packaging you buy. Most products here have no plastic packaging.

Enjoy your sacred space and please send me pictures of it! Would love to see what you come up with.

Also, I have an awful Green Thumb, so i’m not adding any plants in the mix here. But please do so if you’re so inclined as they bring oxygen, renewed energy to a room and of course, they’re living things so it’s a nice addition.

At Home Spa



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